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Apple Filling

Apples make for a great dessert ingredient. Apple fillings can fluctuate. Sometimes the apples are under cooked with the sauce runny and uneven. Other times the apples turn to mush or are overly tart or even bland. This recipe is for an all around apple filling that is consistent from recipe to recipe. Use it in pies, pastries, coffee cakes, etc.

Boiled cider is an essential for flavor. It helps to heighten the apple flavor and give consistency. It is listed as optional in the recipe but I strongly encourage you to use it. The link in the ingredients list for the boiled cider goes to a page with instructions on how to make it.

Prep: 10 minutes

Cook: 10-15 minutes

Yield: 2 cups

1 batch - Enough for eight large turnovers or 2 coffee cakes

2 batches - Enough for a 9 inch pie depending

For Fast and Easy Turnovers using this filling click HERE

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