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Boiled Cider

Many times, when cooking with apples, to make cakes, pies and other recipes, the apple flavor isn't all there. This is likely because of inconsistent flavors in the apples themselves. To prevent this fluctuation, using boiled cider can ensure full apple flavor throughout.

You can buy Boiled Cider at some stores or online. 1 pint bottles usually run between 10$ and 15$. But it is easy, and cheaper, to make at home.

Boiled Cider is, as the name suggests, apple cider that has been boiled. But not just boiled, it is reduced to a light syrup. You cannot use apple juice for this recipe. Apple juice contains additives, especially added sugars, that will not get you to the flavor you will want.

Once the cider is boiled and reduced to 1/4th of the original volume, you will have a usable syrup to enhance the apple flavor of your recipe (usually only using a single tablespoon in place of a tablespoon of sugar). And, one that is natural and without additives.

Total Time: About 1 hour

Yield: 1 cup

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