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Curry with Bok Choy and Chicken

A curry is a dish most associated with India but is found throughout south Asia and East Africa. It is not a specific dish but a name give to a dish that has a spicy sauce that can range in any level of heat.  Curry powders are spice blends and cam come in many different varieties. Generally, the ones in the spice section of the local supermarket are relatively mild when it comes to heat.

This recipe is a simple version of a curry and one that, as the recipe is written, is not too hot but full of great flavor. The only item in the ingredients that may not be readily available at the local market might be Garam Masala. Garam Masala is also a spice blend. You can get it at Asian markets relatively easy. If not, or you don't want to make a special trip, substitute with curry powder.

Prep: 15 minutes

Cook: 30 minutes

Total: 45 minutes


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